
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Interactive Film Marketing: Creating A Virtual Movie Experience

Movie audiences are continuing to flock to their local Cineplex in record numbers despite a still struggling economy and increased ticket prices. In this day in age, film marketing has bypassed archaic print and radio advertising and jumped whole-heartily into online marketing campaigns. Audiences expect a film to have a website, Twitter and Facebook account; but just as the industry itself constantly evolves, so does the audience, and film marketers cannot afford to fall behind the times.

In true Hollywood fashion, as the movies have become grander, more expensive and interactive, so have the way they are advertised. Interactive film marketing has gone beyond social media connections, sneak peaks, and exclusive contests and has evolved into virtual movie experiences.

Daniel Frankel of Paid Content discusses the success 2012’s box office hit, The Hunger Games, had in creating a virtual movie experience that engaged their target audience and changed the face of digital marketing. Knowing the imagery and elaborate descriptions the book describes of this future planet, Lionsgate Studios’ strategy was to invite people inside this world. They created virtual communities on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that gave their fan base the chance to travel within the pages of their beloved book and experience the world for themselves. This caused a viral digital dispersing by fans that allowed The Hunger Games to open to a staggering $153 million.

The Hunger Games is not alone in creating worlds that digitally engage their fans into their interactive film marketing strategy. iMediaConnection reports on the virtual experience that 2012’s Prometheus created by teaming up with major retailers such as Verizon and Internet Explorer to help transport their target audience into their created distorted reality. This innovative campaign not only propagated the film, it brought a new dimension to the standard sponsorship. Instead of large display advertisements or glaring product placement, this campaign brought sponsors into the experience in an intelligent and seamless manner that is not assaulting to the audience.

Digital marketing is a constantly changing discipline that studio executives and filmmakers find difficult to completely grasp. Although interactive film marketing has changed the standard media platforms, the principles have remained the same. It is vital that studios facilitate a connection between their project and their target audience in order to entice people into the theater. Film audiences across all genres expect visual interest and excitement at the movies and a similar look and feel is assumed in marketing efforts.

Film has a magical ability to transport an audience to another world for a period of time and film marketers are beginning to incorporate this same technique in their advertising campaigns. By bringing the audience into an engaging space and time, marketers are succeeding in leading them into the theater and allowing film to do the rest.


  1. Interactive marketing has become a key component to a film’s success. Filmmakers and studios are no longer relying solely on print materials or movie trailers to build anticipation for their films. I have seen several film campaigns that included creating virtual worlds so their target audience can experience the events and setting in the film. I like how you mentioned the importance of creating a campaign that interacts with the specific audience for a film as opposed to marketing to the masses. The common interests of the audience in the social interaction for the film’s campaign are what increase the anticipation and ticket sales for the film. Thank you for the intriguing post Carrie!

  2. Carrie,
    Interactive film marketing has become such a huge part of the success or failure of a film. In the past marketers would have to hope that put enough television, radio, and print ads out that their target audience would remember them, but with ever decreasing attention that wasn’t always the case. Someone would see the ad and then almost instantly see another and forget the first ad. Interactive marketing gives the audience a chance to really see what the movie will be about. The more they interact with the world within the film, and other fans, the more they will want to see the film as soon as it opens. Interactive marketing is creating massive hype for the film that audiences can’t ignore or forget. Great post and links.

  3. I love how you incorporated marketing in with the film industry because I never heard of film marketing. The film industry has so many ways they can pull audiences. The previews alone can pull the audience and movie ads help to obtain viewers as well. It’s funny how I never even seen a movie ad on my Facebook page. Even though social media is a good way to pull an audience I still feel television previews are still the way to go. You have some good information that will definitely entice readers, good job.

